
DIY tips and ideas for bathroom maintenance and design. From modern trends to DIY projects, discover everything you need for your bathroom renovation.

Low Water Pressure

What Causes Low Water Pressure in Your House and DIY Fixes to Increase It

Have you ever been in the shower and experienced a sudden drop in the water pressure; making it difficult to wash the soap off or get the shampoo out of your hair? Or maybe you’ve noticed that it takes longer for your washing machine or dishwasher to fill up with water. Low water pressure can

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How to Know What Bathroom Sink To Buy

How to Know What Bathroom Faucet to Buy: The Perfect Fit

Maybe you’ve been upgrading parts of your bathroom or simply doing routine maintenance like unclogging your sink. Suddenly, you decide to refresh your bathroom by swapping out the plumbing fixtures, specifically your sink faucets. You pick up your phone or go to your computer to begin researching options. Upon entering your search query and pressing

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How to Unclog a Sink Clogged with Hair

How to Unclog a Bathroom Sink Clogged with Hair: A Complete Guide

Clogged sinks are an inconvenience many of us face, especially those dreaded clogs caused by hair. With our simple step-by-step guide, you can tackle this problem head-on and keep your bathroom sink running smoothly. Plus, we’ll share unclogging methods to avoid as well as preventative tips to help avoid future clogs. How Does Your Bathroom

How to Unclog a Bathroom Sink Clogged with Hair: A Complete Guide Read More »

Pitched Roof Extensions for a Patio

Pitched Roof Extensions for a Patio Explained

A patio is more than a mere outdoor retreat; it’s an extension of your home’s living space, a sanctuary for relaxation, entertainment, and soaking in the beauty of nature. However, one common dilemma for homeowners is how to transform their unshielded outdoor areas into a comfortably shaded and alluring extension of the indoors. Pitched roof

Pitched Roof Extensions for a Patio Explained Read More »

Senior-Friendly Bathroom Remodel or Renovation

Essential Features to Consider When Designing Your Senior-Friendly Bathroom Remodel or Renovation

Taking on a typical bathroom remodel can be challenging. However, renovating a bathroom to be senior-friendly can be even more difficult because you have to consider unknown factors. So how can you methodically create a safe, accessible, and comfortable bathroom that will accommodate the needs of the elderly and feel confident that you have checked

Essential Features to Consider When Designing Your Senior-Friendly Bathroom Remodel or Renovation Read More »

Navigating a Bathroom Renovation

Navigating Your Bathroom Renovation: Steps to Achieve Your Dream Design

Taking on a bathroom renovation can be very exciting due to the anticipation of your vision coming to fruition. However, it can also be very stressful with all the decisions that have to be made. So how can you make it easier on yourself and move this project along smoothly? You must have a detailed

Navigating Your Bathroom Renovation: Steps to Achieve Your Dream Design Read More »

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